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Crikey, It's time to crumble and custard

As the evenings get shorter and colder, what could be better than some lightly spiced fruit, sweet crumble and silky sweet vanilla custard mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


For this you will need:


2 large (200g) cooking apples, or 200g of any fruit or combinations of fruits to put in the crumble

50g sultanas (optional)

large pinch cinnamon or mixed spice*

50g brown or white sugar

100g plain flour

50g margarine

75g rolled oats*


* i will be providing these ingredients.



290ml milk

Vanila ( i will provide this unless you have or would like to bring in a vanilla pod, VERY EXPENSIVE)

2 eggs

1 tbsp caster sugar

a container to take your custard home in


Please bring 20 p for the containers and spices that i will provide.


Gutted it is our last session together this year, but buzzing that we are cooking together !


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